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Why can’t Muslim women have 4 husbands?

Muslim Women have 4 Husbands

If Islam is a righteous religion, why are Muslim men allowed to perform four marriages at a time while Muslim women can only perform one. Why can't they have 4 husbands?

Regarding marriage and the right given to men to have 4 wives at a time while women can only have one husband at a time: there is great wisdom behind this.

Why can’t Muslim women have 4 husbands?

What would happen if Women have 4 husbands?

Let's talk first about what would have happened if Muslim women were also allowed to have 4 husbands.

  1.  In such a case, the men would have been enemies of each other. Their possessive nature and powerful physical attributes could have led them to kill each other.
  2.  The company would have been corrupted because the children would not know who was their biological father. No father would meet the needs of the children because they would not know if the child was theirs.
  3.  The concept of family would lose. For example, a woman having two husbands at the same time: both do not accept which child is theirs and the woman must divide her time between the two households, between the two families which belong only to her.

Why did ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TA'ALA allow only men to have 4 wives?

If I accept all the logical arguments against women having more than one husband, why are men allowed to keep 4 wives at a time?

  1. It is a scientific fact that the sexual drive of men is more than women and therefore they are allowed to marry more than one woman in Islam.
  2. In the majority of the world, men are still the breadwinners. They are allowed to marry more than one wife to provide for widows, orphans and other poor families.

Indeed, it is ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TA'ALA  who kept all the balance and it is perfect!

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