Follow the Blog’s Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in writing for Be A Better Blogger! My standards are high, but I'm still interested in quality guest posts from quality bloggers.
On my part, I assure you a high-quality article that is:
- 100% original
- Well written
- Relevant to your audience and
- Exclusive to you
Write For Us Rules at Articles forum
Before writing and submitting your post, please read the following:
Submission of your guest post does not guarantee publication. Your submission will be reviewed and if it will benefit Articles Forum readers, it will likely be published.
Poor quality articles or plagiarism articles will be automatically rejected.
Links to your own blog or site should be modest and match the content of your post. If you include too many links, they are unlikely to be published. Make sure all the links in your post are relevant and valid. Links deemed irrelevant to the main idea of ​​your post will be removed without notice. Likewise, all non-functional links will be removed without notice.
Word Count: 800 to 2000 words are preferred. The maximum number of words is 5000.
Add description 140 to 150 characters.
Summery length 170 to 200 words minimum.
Posts should be high quality original content (i.e. not published elsewhere online).
The messages end with a brief biography of the author who refers to the site (or sites) of his choice.
We reserve the right to modify your submission for reasons of brevity, grammar, readability and sometimes meaning. If too many edits are needed to make the post useful, it is unlikely to be published.